No More.  

By David Leedy | 9/13/16 3:47 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

I hate doing opinion stuff. Who cares about my opinion? Probably not you. Certainly not my dog. I don’t often blog my opinion and it’s very rare that it makes it onto NotesIn9. It’s one of my rules actually.

NotesIn9 is “Hiring”.  

By David Leedy | 8/22/16 9:19 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

I’m looking to find someone to act as an “XPages Producer” for NotesIn9. This is a volunteer position. This person would actively recruit and work with contributors of XPages related content. This person does not have to produce their own demos but of course that interest and ability would be encouraged.

XPages.TV is dead. XPages.TV is born again.  

By David Leedy | 11/17/15 1:59 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

For years I’ve known that my XPages.TV site sucked. For years you knew that also. Well finally I’m starting to do something about it.

NotesIn9 186: XPages and IBM Bluemix Part 3  

By David Leedy | 10/16/15 1:59 PM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

NotesIn9 186: XPages and IBM Bluemix Part 3. In this show IBM Champion Oliver Busse concludes his 3 part series on getting started with XPages inside IBM Bluemix.

NotesIn9 185: XPages and IBM Bluemix Part 2  

By David Leedy | 10/16/15 1:57 PM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

NotesIn9 185: XPages and IBM Bluemix Part 2. In this show IBM Champion Oliver Busse returns to talk more about using XPages inside IBM Bluemix.

NotesIn9 184: XPages and Bluemix Part1  

By David Leedy | 10/14/15 12:24 AM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

NotesIn9 184: XPages and Bluemix Part1. In this show, IBM Champion and all around awesome person, Oliver Busse returns to kick off a three part series on using XPages with IBM Bluemix.

The XPages and IBM Bluemix showstopper, for me at least  

By David Leedy | 8/24/15 12:44 PM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Ok I’ll admit it.. I’ve not really been paying much attention to IBM’s Platform as a Service offering called “Bluemix”. For the longest time there was no XPages component. Of course I’d love to play with all the other technologies that it offers, and there are a lot, but as primarily an XPages Developer at the moment I just don’t have good time or practical ideas for anything else.

NotesIn9 171: IBM Bluemix Text to Speech  

By David Leedy | 2/23/15 12:33 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

This show will feature our very first, but definitely not our last, look at IBM Bluemix. Bluemix is a Platform as a Service solution from IBM that gives you tools to quickly build web and mobile applications. IBM is even adding XPages capability and the original NoSQL database, Domino .nsf , capability to Bluemix.