A new chapter begins for NotesIn9  

By John Jardin | 9/29/16 11:48 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

As far as the future of NotesIn9 is concerned, I couldn’t be more excited and honoured to be one of the producers of the show moving forward, and I congratulate Oliver Busse for being one of the other producers. Thank you David Leedy for this opportunity. I have no doubt that great things are to come for this show.

2 sessions in 1 day. A double whammy of XPages & Bluemix  

By John Jardin | 5/3/16 9:45 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Come this Tuesday the 10th May 2016, I will be presenting 2 online sessions that focus on IBM XPages and Bluemix.

3 weeks left to nominate IBM Cloud Champions  

By John Jardin | 4/18/16 8:59 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

At Interconnect in February this year, IBM announced the Cloud Champion program. Nominations have been open for the past 1.5 months and we are now 3 weeks away from it closing.