Bluemix Notes Certificate expired - what to do?  

By Oliver Busse | 7/5/16 4:43 AM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

While sitting in the XPages on Bluemix workshop in Böblingen these days I experienced problems with my Bluemix user ID. Once I logged into my Notes client it says that the certificate will expire in several days! Usually you just enter the security area of your ID using the client and hit "renew". Of course you cannot do this with the Bluemix ID.

View icons on IBM Bluemix  

By Oliver Busse | 1/14/16 12:29 PM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

We recently stumbled upon this: view icons from a view panel on an XPage won't be displayed correctly when the app is running on Bluemix. The image is simply not found as the folder /icons isn't available on the runtime. I recently also learned that you can access all the files in the runtime via the CF command line interface.

XPages on Bluemix - an Introduction in 3 Parts  

By Oliver Busse | 10/16/15 2:04 PM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

I recently made some videos about how to get started on IBM Bluemix using an existing XPages application. The focus was to show how to migrate your application to the SaaS platform IBM delivers with Bluemix and what caveats you have to overcome.

Using Plugins in your XPages Application on Bluemix  

By Oliver Busse | 9/1/15 1:28 PM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

Thanks Martin Donnelly (again) I managed to get a very simple application running on Bluemix that uses plugins. In this case it's the OpenNTF Domino API (ODA). If you know how to do it then it's very simple and there are only a few steps to take to get your app running using your favorite plugins and extensions!

OpenNTF XSnippet: DAOBean for XSP on Bluemix  

By Oliver Busse | 8/30/15 10:46 PM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

DAOBean for XSP on Bluemix. Data source access bean to compute the data source dynamically for local development and Bluemix. Please refer to my blogpost here for details:

My first Bluemix XPages application  

By Oliver Busse | 8/30/15 3:31 PM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

Last week I had a great call with some of the members of the team of IBM Bluemix and Domino. Thank you very much, Pete Janzen, Martin Donnely, Eamon Muldon and Padraic Edwards for answering my questions and for offering help and support on my journey with XPages on Bluemix.

XPages on Bluemix - finally we got here  

By Oliver Busse | 7/13/15 3:43 PM | - | Added by John Oldenburger

I am late with this but finally I got here, too. XPages arrived on IBM's PaaS platform Bluemix last Friday - great! In March 2015 I was told there will be a beta program which I also can join - I never received any info or invitation to it though. To be honest: I didn't have the time to ask about it since then.

Bluemix - finding the workflow  

By Oliver Busse | 11/23/14 12:07 PM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

Today I found some time to fiddle around with Bluemix and it's features. I tried several options and tutorials. The benefit of using JazzHub to manage your projects is that this service is better integrated than the Git way - at least I didn't manage to build and deploy my changes in a Git-based project to a Bluemix app I had.

Why IBM Bluemix is different  

By Oliver Busse | 11/21/14 12:33 AM | - | Added by Johnny Oldenburger

Bluemix is IBM's new cloud based service for application development. Basically this is a so called PaaS - a platform as a service. This is similar to SaaS, a managed environment but without having a pre-configured software installed like IBM Connections. This service ends on the OS layer, where - in this case - it doesn't matter what OS is running underneath.